Building a RESTful API With Deno, Oak and MongoDB

Hello! My name's Khanh. In this post. We will build a RESTful CRUD API with Deno, MongoDB, Oak Framework.

1. Program structure

common: contains file connect db.
controllers: the controllers handles all the logic behind validating request parameters, query, sending responses with correct codes.
models: contain model definitions.
routes: the API routes maps to the controllers.
service: the services contains the database queries and returning objects or throwing errors.

2. Third party modules.

We will create a server application in Deno using the oak and deno_mongo.



3. Create file .env

- We define the port number in which the server is listening and database name.

4. Create file connect database


5. Create file server

6. Create file user model


7. Create file contain query data ( folder service )


import DB from "../common/DataConnection.ts"; import { User } from "../models/user.ts";

type UserData = Pick<User"username" | "password" | "address" | "isAdmin">;

// Create user
const insertUser = async (data: UserData): Promise<User | undefined> => {
  return DB.collection("users").insertOne({
    username: data.username,
    password: data.password,
    address: data.address,
    isAdmin: data.isAdmin || false,
    createdAt: new Date(),
    updatedAt: new Date(),

// Get all users
const findAllUser = async (): Promise<User[]> => {
  return DB.collection("users").find();

// Get user
const findUser = async (userId: string): Promise<User | undefined> => {
  return DB.collection("users").findOne({ _id: { $oid: userId } });

// Update user
const updateOneUser = async (
  userId: string,
  UserData: UserData,
): Promise<void=> {
    { _id: { $oid: userId } },
      $set: {
        username: UserData.username,
        password: UserData.password,
        address: UserData.address,
        isAdmin: UserData.isAdmin,
        updatedAt: new Date(),

// Delete user
const deleteOneUser = async (userId: string): Promise<void=> {
  DB.collection("users").deleteOne({ _id: { $oid: userId } });

export {

8. Create file in controllers

We have 5 controllers for this project: 
create (POST): adding a user to the database.
getUsers (GET): get all user in database.
getUser (GET): get the user data for the specified id. 
updateUser (PUT): to update info user of a user for the given id. 
deleteUser (DELETE): to delete a user using the id.

import {
from "../service/user.ts";

// Create a User
const createUser = async (
  { requestresponse }: { request: anyresponse: any },
=> {
  if (!request.hasBody) {
    response.status = 400;
    response.body = { msg: "Invalid user data" };
  const {
    value: { usernamepasswordaddressisAdmin },
  } = await request.body();

  if (!username || !password) {
    response.status = 422;
    response.body = {
      msg: "Incorrect user data. username and password are required",
  let user = await insertUser({ usernamepasswordaddressisAdmin });
  response.status = 201;
  response.body = { msg: "User created"user };

// Get all user
const getUsers = async ({ response }: { response: any }) => {
  const users = await findAllUser();
  response.status = 200;
  response.body = {success: true, data: users};

// Get user
const getUser = async (
  { paramsresponse }: { params: { id: string }; response: any },
=> {
  const id =;
  if (!id) {
    response.status = 400;
    response.body = { success: false, error: "Id params is required" };
  const user = await findUser(id);
  if (!user) {
    response.status = 404;
    response.body = {
      success: false,
      error: `User does not exist`,
  response.status = 200;
  response.body = {success: true, data: user};

// Update user
const updateUser = async (
  {params,request,response}: { params: { id: string }; request: anyresponse: any },
=> {
  if (!request.hasBody) {
    response.status = 400;
    response.body = { msg: "Invalid user data" };
  const {
    value: { usernamepasswordaddressisAdmin },
  } = await request.body();
  const id =;

  const user = await findUser(id);

    response.status = 404;
    response.body = {
      success: false,
      error: `User not found`,
  await updateOneUser(id, { usernamepasswordaddressisAdmin } );
  response.status = 200;
  response.body = {success: true, data: user};


// Delete user
const deleteUser = async (
  { paramsresponse }: { params: { id: string }; response: any },
=> {
  const id =;
  if (!id) {
    response.status = 400;
    response.body = { success: false, error: "Invalid user id" };

  const user = await findUser(id);

  if (!user) {
    response.status = 404;
    response.body = {
      success: false,
      error: `User not found`,
  await deleteOneUser(id);
  response.status = 200;
  response.body = { msg: "Delete User Success!" };

export { createUser, getUsers, getUser, updateUser, deleteUser };

9. Add routes

Ok. Now we will run the program.
deno run --allow-net --allow-write --allow-read --allow-plugin --unstable server.ts

10. Testing with Postman

I will test it with some API.

Thank you for reading. What's wrong with my post, everyone can comment. Thanks

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